Friday, January 6, 2012

We're Up!

So today was supposed to be the big announcement, which was that the Krypt was going to be open 24/7 starting next Friday, the 13th (my birthday by coincidence) but I jumped the gun a bit and the Krypt is open for good NOW! That means you can log on to and listen live. It's a soft launch if you will, I'm letting the automated system shuffle the library until next week while I still work on the "behind the scenes" stuff with schedules, payments, etc. The "official" launch if you will will still be next Friday, but right now we're up and broadcasting while I get all the kinks worked out and music uploaded and scheduled.

Soon, you'll be able to download apps to listen to the station on your iphone, Android, Blackberry and take the Krypt wherever you want. Take a listen now and share, like, follow and (most of all) send me requests and feedback because that only makes the Krypt better.

Rock on guys and gals!