Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Krypt's inaugural movie blog.

I see movies regularly. Usually one a week in theatres, and a couple on TV or Netflix.

So with that said, I thought it'd be a good idea to start a movie review blog. Who knows? Maybe it it catches on it will get it's own section.

This weekend I saw the reboot of "Planet of the Apes" or as we will call it "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"
Overall I'd give it a B+, the effects aren't overly spectacular (and neither is the acting) but it gets the job done. I'll warn you that the movie starts slow. Right before the film really gets going I asked myself, "Where's the conflict?" Then I got it and the movie took off, decently I might add. The sound mixing is great, better than the acting and the visual effects. The apes look realistic on close ups but look a bit animated when monkeying around, pun intended. Overall the movie is worth watching, after a slow start it keeps going. It may be a slow starting movie, but it doesn't get overly ridiculous where you want to walk out or scream out loud, "Where's the action".

I'll get better at these blog entries, it's a start. Until then, there's Twitter. 140 characters is a bit easier than a blog entry for me right now, but I'll work on that.

Talk to ya on the radio side of things.

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